Welcome to STEP-UP
What is STEP-UP?
STEP-UP is a new treatment study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. In this study, we are developing and testing a video-based, behavioral treatment program to help anxiety, depression, and stress in kids.

Where do I go from here?
Are you a family participating in STEP-UP?
Get started by using the LOGIN form at the top of this webpage. You should have gotten your USERNAME and PASSWORD for the website at the end of your phone interview with our research team.
Your login will unlock either the STEP-UP Intervention Lessons or Community Mental Health Resources to support you and your child. You will login every time you visit the website and during each of your therapy sessions.
If you don’t remember your login information, please click here to request a password reset.
Are you a therapist participating in STEP-UP?
Get started by using the LOGIN form at the top of the webpage. You should have gotten your USERNAME and PASSWORD from our research team.
Your login will unlock the Lessons Menu and the Therapist Menu. The therapist menu includes program resources, lesson materials, and the STEP-UP treatment manual.
If you don’t remember your login, please click here to request a password reset.

Contact Us!
Call: 866-355-0037
Email: chr_stepup@kpchr.org