In this lesson:

Lesson 1: What is Stress?

To learn about stress and how the STEP-UP treatment program can help.

In this lesson, you will learn about stress – why people are stressed, whether stress is a good or a bad thing, and how stress can be handled so it doesn’t get in the way of daily life. You will also learn about the STEP-UP treatment program and what to expect. 

Let’s start with a quick overview of the STEP-UP program. STEP-UP is a treatment program for kids, teens, and their families. It is designed to help with managing stress (more on this later!) and feelings of anxiety, worry, or sadness.

You and your parent will have video visits with your STEP-UP therapist, every week for about 12 weeks. You are probably looking at this lesson right now during a video call with your therapist! Each video visit will be about 30-45 minutes. Your parent will join each visit for at least a brief check-in, and sometimes they will join for longer. During your visits, your therapist will go through lessons on the STEP-UP website with you. Think of your therapist as your personal coach who will help make this program work FOR YOU.

All the STEP-UP lessons are posted on this website. STEP-UP consists of six lessons (this is the first one). A few of the lessons are repeated for practice. In each lesson, you will learn new information, try activities, discuss your ideas, and decide on practice for you to do on your own. You and your parent can also access the information on the website at any time.

Moving through your lessons . . .

As you go through the STEP-UP website , you’ll notice we use the same “signposts” in each lesson to guide you through. The lessons start with a GOAL to give a preview of the lesson. You will then LEARN the main idea behind the lesson, and you and your therapist will DISCUSS what you learned and share your experiences. Each lesson you will also get to TRY a new skill or activity. At the beginning of each lesson, you will REVIEW progress and will end with a PLAN for next time, with tips about how to use these skills in your daily life.

Now, let’s start learning about stress. People use the word stress in a LOT of different ways.

What do you think stress is?

Here’s the take home message. Stress is a your body’s natural alarm system, designed to keep you safe. But, sometimes it can be a false alarm . . .



Baby shark?



Stress is our personal alarm system that something might be wrong. But, what should we do when that alarm bell is ringing?

Imagine that someone is stressed about a math test they have tomorrow. They haven’t studied yet, their stomach feels like it’s full of wiggly worms, and they are worried about doing poorly.

Talk with your therapist about this situation.

We covered a lot today! Remember that it will be important to keep track of your mood and see what kinds of things affect your mood and stress. This will help us plan activities a little later in the Step-Up program. Here are some sheets that will help with that:

You can also use a phone, journal, or calendar app. How would you like to keep track? Come up with a specific plan with your therapist about how you will rate and record your mood each day, so you can talk about it in your lesson next week.

See you next week!

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